How will you describe yourself in five words?. Do you any bad habit that you want to change?. Do you still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend?. Tell me about an experience in your life that you can never forget. What is important for you in life – money or love?. Where will you like to go for your honeymoon?. Has someone of the same gender ever made a pass at you?. What did you think about me when you saw me for the first time?. What do you think about open relationships?. Have you ever been attracted to a person of the same gender?. What is your idea of a romantic holiday?. At what age do you want to get married?. Do you think love is important for sexual intimacy?. What is the thing that attracted you towards me?. If you found a magic lamp, what will be the three wishes that you will ask for?. What is the best compliment that you ever received from a girl?. Would you like to try some kind of adventure sport? Which one?. Did you have a funny ambition when you were a kid?. If you are given an option to be born as an animal or bird, what would it be?. Which comic character do you think I resemble?. Is there anything in me that you will like to change?. Did you have a nickname that you hated when you were a child?. If you are marooned on a deserted island, which Hollywood actress will you like to be with?. Who are you closest to in your family- your mum, dad or siblings?. If you are given a chance to change something about yourself, what would it be?. If you win a lottery of $1000, what will you do with it?. Do you like pets? Will you like to keep any at home?. Who was your first girlfriend? Why did you break up with her?. What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?.
What are the five material possessions you will like to save, if your house is on fire?. What type of music do you love listening to?. Which is the best holiday you ever had?.
Do you have a pet name? How did you get it?.Do you like reading? Which is your favorite book?.Which is the place/country that you want to visit?.
#Unique conversations to have with your boyfriend movie
Which is the movie that you never get bored of watching?.Which are your favorite shows on television?.
These questions can be used to play a game or just to trigger a serious conversation. These questions can range from something funny to really personal or intimate ones. One way is by asking some random questions. As this can make your dating experience quite boring, you have to look for things to make it interesting. However, though you may be deeply in love with your boyfriend, there may have been times, when you have nothing to talk to him. It is a way of getting to know one another which helps in strengthening the love and respect people have for each other. Conversations are one of the most important factors that make a relationship work.